My Language My Exquisite Identity
Name: Joefrey Ngha Nji
Session Language: English
Type: Individual presentation (1 hour)
This session sheds light on the need to valorise our indigenous languages, because our languages are our identities, once you miss out on valorising your language you are alienated from your ROOTS, this is because when you learn the language of another you are learning their culture as well. Therefore it should be our prerogative as Africans to look for ways and means to standardize our languages, even teaching the English Language one should never shy away from explaining things in the mother tongue whenever the need arises.
Speaker Bio:
Joefrey Ngha Nji has a PhD in Applied Linguistics, specialised in Discourse Analysis. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at HTTC Maroua in the University of Maroua and has published academic articles in both national and international journals. His areas of research interests include Linguistics, Language Use, Bilingualism, Language Teaching. He has also published a collection of poems entitled: **Africa Must Be Liberated**. Civil rights activist after the Order of Martin Luther King Jr.
Time slot: [24 February at 3PM GMT/5PM CAT]
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